Thursday, 17 May 2012

A Glossary

When i look through photography books that contain fashion, or a place that is interesting, their is mainly always a glossary or shopping list at the back of the book.

What i like about these is that it gives you more information about what the person is wearing or where a particular shop is.

With my book seeing as i am focusing on shops i thought it would be a good idea to add a glossary at the back of the shops and their information to give more information to the audience about what is in the book.

Such as The Nylon book of street fashion, at the back a shopping list is given in all the cities it focuses on and the shops the people talk about in the book

The Tokyo Look Book:

Again  in another book Tokyo Look Book, a glossary and shopping list is found, to give more info on the looks and shops talked about in the book:

I will most defiantly have a glossary in my book to give more background information to the shops i have gone too.

My Glossary:

For my personal glossary i have included the names, addreses, telephone numbers and websites of these shops, so that if a person wanted to know more about a specific shop that it would be easily available to them.


many i did have to Google and try my best to search for their address because they do not have a website..

A simple design is something that i feel is best so that it isn't too distracting and is straight to the point:

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